
Space Saving Ideas for Your Desk

No one likes a crowded workstation. Even the most clutter-free desk can feel cramped when you have too much equipment taking up valuable space, making it difficult to complete even the most basic tasks. Luckily, there are a few ways you can maximize your storage space. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of a small workstation.

Corral the Cables

Computer cables are bulky and take up valuable space both on your desk and beneath it. Consider using wireless accessories like keyboards and mice to streamline your workspace. For the cables you can’t get rid of, use velcro straps to hold them together and minimize the amount of space they occupy. This will both free up surface area on your desk while also making your workstation look tidy and organized.

Use the Walls

In a small work area, vertical storage is your friend. Hang shelves and keep all your files, papers, and books off of your desk. You’ll find that shelves make it easier to stay organized while also freeing up workspace on your desk.

Upgrade your Monitor Mount

Rather than relying on the bulky mount that came with your monitor, upgrade to one with a smaller impact on your space. A grommet base monitor mount clamps onto the edge of the cable cutouts in your desk. If your desk does not have cable cutouts, a simple wall mount can eliminate the need to have your monitor on your desk altogether.

No matter how tight your desk area is, Monumental Mounts has the perfect monitor mount for your space. Browse our selection today and declutter your work area.